Invoice validation is an essential component of a commercial energy management programme, enabling you to save money on your energy bills.
It is well documented that many suppliers’ invoices contain errors and so invoice validation has become a valuable service to reduce gas, electricity and other energy costs.
Invoice validation comes at many levels and although some claim to deliver this service, what you get from ATE is a rate check (you use x amount of energy times by your price = energy cost) against your energy supplier contract, your energy utility budget and your actual energy usage.
In energy consulting at ATE, we believe that the whole of the supplier invoice should be checked to ensure that each of the charges is interrogated for accuracy. This takes the charges applied from the generation, through transmission, distribution and including all legislative taxes (including VAT) and environmental charges into the validation.
Add to that leading-edge online reporting in both consumption and value, you can be confident that you only pay for what you have contracted to pay. This gives you the opportunity to make savings on energy bills.
Through a combination of detailed desktop assessment of bills, complex benchmark analysis, research and consultant led site audits, significant savings and refunds can be achieved on your water and wastewater charges in a billing area often overlooked.
At ATE you can be assured that our business will provide you with the most up to date leading edge technology to engage the diverse wholesale market place, which in turn will ensure you have the best possible tools to accomplish the task ahead.
At ATE we work with our Suppliers to provide sustainable Green gas and power through responsibly sourced means. Biomass electricity and green gas costs no more than conventional power yet produces less carbon than coal-generated power. This means you can significantly reduce your carbon footprint the moment you switch.
Who we
Work With
We do business with
big and small
“Through using their fantastic not-for-profit procurement framework, we have been able to redirect an amazing £5,000 to a cause which brings huge benefit to the local community”
— Darren Marshal
"The results have been nothing short of spectacular, with just 1 of our 13 sites yielding a £32,000 refund, and still more to come.”
— Sam Mitchel
"Dealing with ATE on a day-to-day basis has proved to be very easy. We make a telephone call, look at the options available, and then let them get on with the job while we concentrate on our business.
— Robert D. Frost
— Steve Spencer"The only work we had to do was bank the refund cheques! I would not hesitate to recommend ATE to other clubs to allow them to carry out an Audit."